1987-4 | 1912 News items; Christmas Memories (Marguerite Kunning, Bea Young, Marjorie Lietz, Les Blanke); Gazebo |
1988-1 | Winter Remembrances (Marge Lietz, Marguerite Kunning); Paper boy (Pitt Bruns) |
1988-2 | Monroe St. Bridge; Boesel Opera House |
1988-3 | Chautauqua / Howard Hoffman; 1923 Firemen's picnic / City park; Otto Mesloh |
1988-4 | Serendipity School 25th Anniversary; Schwaberow Store 1988 Renovation; August Dlerker, tinsmith |
1989-1 | Case / Auglaize Motor Car Co.; Saturday church bells; Pina Ihle, midwife; Kroger / Lee's Printing |
1989-2 | Spring memories; The Dinky; Dr.Schmidt, veterinarian; Remembering "when"; Men's Garden Club |
1989-3 | Monroe & Water St. building; New Bremen musicians; Minnie Witte, boarding house lady; Tri-County Fair |
1989-4 | Moore’s Store; Lock Two's wooden lock; Ben Brockman, coal dealer; School memories & picture; Little Six Band |
1990-1 | Natural Gas arrival-1888; North Main St. memories & picture; James D.Taylor; Indian shows; 1930s Depression |
1990-2 | Dedicated to the New Bremen schools; Charles Limbach, Supt. |
1990-3 | New Bremen tokens; Hartwig's Grove; Henry C. Greber, night cop; Monroe St. picture |
1990-4 | Blase's Store; 1925 Memories; Anna Schwepe; Central School; N.B. Broom Co. |